The Rise of Skywalker: Departures and Contradictions in the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy

News - 21 December 2023

In 2019, Disney wrapped up the Star Wars sequel trilogy that began in 2015 with Star Wars: The Force Awakens, a sequel to Return of the Jedi. The reception to this trilogy has been mixed, with opinions varying widely. The final installment, The Rise of Skywalker, diverged significantly from the established narrative of the previous films.

While suspension of disbelief is a common aspect of watching sci-fi or fantasy films, there were aspects of The Rise of Skywalker that seemed to contradict the groundwork laid by its predecessors.It is evident that The Rise of Skywalker deviated from the original plan for the story. Actor Adam Driver, who portrayed Kylo Ren, revealed that the character's journey in the final film differed from what was initially intended.

The focus on the connection between Kylo and Rey was unexpected, leading to Kylo's transformation into Ben Solo, a turn of events that was not part of the initial trajectory for the character. While this change was well-received by many fans, it signaled a departure from the darker path that Kylo was originally supposed to follow.However, The Rise of Skywalker faced criticism for its handling of certain elements.

One major sticking point was the sudden return of Emperor Palpatine, along with the revelation that Rey was related to him. This twist was not part of the original storyline and seemed to undercut the significance of Anakin Skywalker's sacrifice in Return of the Jedi. The introduction of Palpatine's 'Final Order', a fleet of new Star Destroyers equipped with planet-destroying technology, posed further challenges for the film.

The concept of Palpatine's Final Order raised questions about the necessity of such powerful weapons. If each Star Destroyer possessed capabilities similar to the Death Star and Starkiller Base, why were these superweapons deemed essential? Previous films like Rogue One and Return of the Jedi depicted the immense effort required to construct these planet-destroying devices. The sudden introduction of Palpatine's fleet appeared to serve as a plot device to heighten the stakes in the climax of the film, but it detracted from the established lore of the Star Wars universe.

The inclusion of the Final Order not only undermined the impact of the super weapons from earlier films but also contradicted the established logic of the series. The sudden emergence of a vast fleet with unprecedented destructive power raised questions about the consistency and coherence of the Star Wars mythology. By introducing this new element, The Rise of Skywalker departed from the established rules of the universe and created inconsistencies that detracted from the overall narrative.

In Conclusion, while The Rise of Skywalker made significant departures from the original plan for the Star Wars sequel trilogy, it also introduced elements that challenged the continuity and logic of the series. The sudden return of Emperor Palpatine and the introduction of the Final Order served as divisive plot points that raised questions about the overarching narrative. Despite these flaws, the film managed to resonate with many viewers, showcasing the enduring appeal of the Star Wars franchise.

While opinions on the sequel trilogy remain divided, it is undeniable that The Rise of Skywalker sparked spirited debates and discussions among fans and critics alike.