"Anyone But You" Film Review: Sydney Sweeney and Glen Powell Shine in New Romantic Comedy

News - 24 December 2023

The newly released film "Anyone But You" is now available for viewing in theaters. Many are wondering if this movie is worth watching during the winter months, or if it's better to skip it altogether. Reviews have started rolling in from both viewers and critics, with Sydney Sweeney and Glen Powell taking on the leading roles.

Sweeney is no stranger to the screen, with appearances in popular TV series like The Handmaid's Tale, while Powell has showcased his talent in films such as The Expendables 3 and Top Gun: Maverick.In "Anyone But You," the story follows Bea (played by Sydney Sweeney) and Ben (portrayed by Glen Powell) as they coincidentally find themselves on their way to the same wedding. They had a brief encounter in the past, but nothing substantial came out of it.

Despite not getting along well, circumstances push them together. Ben is eager to win back his ex, while Bea is constantly pressured by her parents to reconcile with her ex. In order to achieve their individual goals, Ben and Bea agree to pretend to be in a relationship.

What follows are two hours of awkward encounters where both characters find themselves in compromising situations.Critics have had varying opinions on "Anyone But You," causing a split in the reception of the film. Some view it as a breath of fresh air, praising the film for its realistic portrayal of characters and their sexual desires.

Others commend the performances of Sweeney and Powell, even though the storyline may have some weaknesses. However, there are critics who are less enthusiastic, pointing out the lack of chemistry between the two leads and questioning their ability to carry a comedy film for the duration of its runtime.Despite the mixed reviews from critics, the audience seems to have a more favorable opinion of the film.

"Anyone But You" has received an impressive 85 percent audience rating on Rotten Tomatoes, indicating a positive reception from viewers. Additionally, the movie has garnered a 6.5 rating on IMDB, showing a generally favorable response from the audience.

Of course, the best way to form an opinion on the movie is to see it for yourself. "Anyone But You" will continue to be shown in theaters, giving audiences the opportunity to judge the film firsthand.In Conclusion, "Anyone But You" has sparked a variety of reactions from both critics and viewers.

While some appreciate its refreshing take on relationships and character development, others find it lacking in certain aspects. Ultimately, the decision on whether to watch the film lies with the individual viewer. If you're looking for some light-hearted entertainment or enjoy the performances of Sydney Sweeney and Glen Powell, "Anyone But You" may be worth checking out during the winter months.